opakowania foliowe worki torby reklamowe opakowania worki foliowe opakowania foliowe torby reklamowe torby reklamowe
opakowania foliowe          
   Worki foliowe

Standard zipper bags

   Worki foliowe

Doypack , Stand up pounch with zipper

   Worki foliowe


   Worki foliowe

Bag with folds on side

   Worki foliowe

Slider bag

   Worki foliowe

Pillow bag

   Worki foliowe

Labels/thermo seals

   Worki foliowe

Fabric headers

   Worki foliowe

Film envelopes

   Worki foliowe

Imprinted films

   Worki foliowe

Labels for fabrics

   Worki foliowe

Drawstring foil bags

   Production profile
Opakowania reklamowe

koperty foliowe tasmy samoprzylepne
worki zamykane

opakowania foliowe
folie reklamowe



opakowania reklamowe
worki foliowe

Products | Imprinted films | Polythene rolls

Polythene rolls

Polyethylene film is the cheapest packaging material available on the market. As it satisfies technological, ecology and aesthetic requirements it is applicable to almost all sectors and branches of industry.

- stretch type: clear, black
- food
- heat-shrink
- clear or colourful
- with imprint


- industry purposes
- for food products /bottles, tins, sets, multipacks/
- for cosmetics /sleeve, sets, multipacks/

• Tapes
• Sleeves /to
2 m wide/
• helf-sleeves / to
2 m
• sleeves or half-sleeves with one or 2 folds

Our advantages:
• complex offer
• technical advising in preparing and entering film design to packaging machines with imprint
• high-quality of packaging and machines
• Certificates of the National Institute of Health


NAKŁAD: clear min 100 kg, with imprint to 2 colours from 150 kg, with photo imprint from 400 kg
NADRUK: Fleksographic technique to 6 colours. DESIGN: prepared graphic signs please deliver as Corel 9 files (or earlier versions) for PC computers (floppy disc or CD)
JAK ZAMAWIAĆ: Realisation of order will begin after receiving by fax, post or email the order which should include quantity, type and thickness of film, imprint, colours, dimensions
ROZMIARY: Any width, thickness, types of film. We prepare films from oryginal material only
Copright (C) 2007 APRIT    handlowy@aprit.com   +4852 3717520   prices PDF